Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Guide to Growing a Garden

for Janna
I do not know when it was 
that I learned about weeding and watering.
But I do know it was with a fork, a spade,
and a green watering can.
It seemed like science,
my least favorite subject.
So, I abandoned my garden.

I went along like this,
hating the whole scenario, 
having left the plot of land to fend for itself,
until much later in my youth.
I received a wheelbarrow, a tool to add along with
the over used fork, spade, and my old green watering can.
Though things were better with this new tool,
it was still no fun and, so, my garden stayed unkept.

A bit later, 
a still young version of myself,
met a lady who was a gardner too.
Armed with the ability to weed and water,
and my small collection of tools,
she taught me to create life in my garden,
and keep it flowing.
She had me sink my hands into the cold, dark earth.
My nails filling with black C’s of mud.

At first this annoyed me. 
The cold earth stuck in my nails, 
carrying it around with me,
letting people see me like this. 
How could I?

But it became more and more normal,
and I learned to cultivate my garden,
with her plot beside mine.
Her’s, though more mature, was a work in progress, like mine.
Both of us students to the ways of gardening and
we learned by trial and error.

She told me not to fear.
So I didn’t.
And ever since
I’ve wanted to thank her.
Thank you. Thank you so much.

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